Welcome to the project page for the Briargate-Stapleton Planning Study. The purpose of this web page is to share information and seek community input and feedback regarding corridor preservation, access management and future improvements to the Briargate Parkway-Stapleton Road corridor, between Black Forest Road and Meridian Road. As shown in the Regional Corridors Map included in the Project Overview, this planned principal arterial roadway will be part of an overall regional transportation network that will provide improved connectivity within the greater Colorado Springs area and beyond. Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA) funding was approved for the initial planning phase only. Funding for corridor improvements have not been identified.
Here you will find the
latest news on the project.
* Corridor Preservation Plan Adopted!
The final Briargate-Stapleton Corridor Preservation Plan was adopted as part of the
County's Master Plan on December 7, 2023.
* Access Control Plan Adopted!
The final Access Control Plan for the Corridor was also adopted on December 7, 2023.
Project overview
As shown by the map, the Briargate Parkway–Stapleton Road
(in some locations referred to as Stapleton Drive) corridor is an integral part of a larger transportation corridor system providing connectivity with I-25 to the north and south of the greater Colorado Springs area. Stapleton Road continues easterly from this project area to connect with US 24 and with Judge Orr Road and Curtis Road to the east of the City. Curtis Road provides connection to Bradley Road and ultimately to I-25 south of Colorado Springs. The corridor study section under consideration as part of this project is mostly undeveloped at this time with some portions containing existing roadways of various types and phases of construction associated with adjacent developments that have occurred over time. The project area begins at Black Forest Road, which is the eastern boundary of the Wolf Ranch subdivision currently under development and is also currently the eastern boundary of the City of Colorado Springs. The terminus of the project area is along the Stapleton Road right-of-way at Meridian Road.
There is currently a large amount of development in this rapidly developing area of the City and the County. While a majority of the project area is currently within the jurisdiction of the County, it is likely that a significant portion of the currently developing areas within the corridor may be incorporated into the City as development progresses.
One of the primary purposes of this project is to verify and develop the master plan requirements for the roadway. The County’s 2040 Major Transportation Corridors Plan (MTCP) included specific recommendations regarding functional classification, transportation modes, and other uses for the Briargate-Stapleton corridor. The MTCP indicates that corridor is expected to be a four-lane principal arterial from the eastern City Limits of Colorado Springs (Black Forest Road) to Judge Orr Road. It is anticipated that this project will plan for the ultimate improvements, but that interim phases of capacity and safety improvements may be warranted based upon the findings of the studies and funding limitations. The corridor will also be evaluated to determine if additional mobility provisions such as bike route, pedestrian accommodations, and public transit are necessary.
The preferred alternative will reflect corridor improvements that optimize public safety, needs, and preferences while balancing enhanced capacity, access management, and development.

Project resources

Related Planning Studies
The latest Major Transportation Corridors Plan (MTCP), adopted in 2016, classified the full Briargate - Stapleton Road corridor as a principal arterial with an ultimate 4-lane to
6-lane width. El Paso County completed Stapleton Road Corridor Study in 2006. The 2006 Study established a preferred alignment for the eastern corridor between Meridian Road and Curtis Road and an associated Access Management Plan. Most of the planned improvements have been built. Click "Learn More" to navigate to links to documentation for the MTCP, the 2006 study and the more recent 2013 Stapleton Road/US 24 Access Permit Traffic Impact Study.
Study Area
Development Plans
The Ranch, Wolf Ranch, Highland Park, Eagle Rising, Wolf Ranch, Sterling Ranch, Stapleton Estates, Wildridge and Indian Wells planned developments border the Briargate Parkway - Stapleton Road project corridor. Click "Learn More" to view current site development plans for each of these projects. Links to additional project exhibits and reports provide a closer look at up to date project planning.
Public outreach
Community input helps shape the final recommendations presented in the preferred alternative, identifying corridor improvements that optimize safety, needs, and preferences while balancing enhanced capacity, access management, and development. Make your voice heard and invite fellow community members to participate in the following ways:
Public outreach
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What do you mean by improvements? Is there a list of possible improvements?
Ultimate improvements within the corridor may include: construction or widening to a four-lane roadway cross-section; the addition of, or upgrades to roadway drainage structures; the construction of, or upgrades to intersections including lengthening or adding turn lanes and traffic control at intersections (STOP signs on cross streets, STOP signs on all intersection approaches, traffic signals, or conversion to roundabouts); and construction of, or upgrades to pedestrian and bicycle facilities. However, it is important to keep in mind that the focus of this study is the identification of a preferred alternative alignment and conceptual design for the planned Briargate Parkway-Stapleton Road principal arterial roadway from Black Forest Road east to Meridian Road as well as the adoption of and access management plan for the full corridor. The County has engaged the City in a cooperative the planning process for the corridor with the intent of developing a final preferred alignment, conceptual design and access management plan that will be implemented by both jurisdictions.